I enjoyed creating the Por y Para glog because it was an easy way to display the information that we were required to provide. The themes and many objects were limited, restricting me to more colorful ideas to set up my glog. However, it was easy to access all of the tools at my disposal and set them up effectively to create an interesting project. The page was a bit small and limited my ability to space out all of my data according to how it should be formatted. Other than these small difficulties the project was a luxury to create, not being too hard or too easy.
Category Archives: Spanish 2
Los Gustos y Disgustos de Ian Stowe
A Ian Stowe le gusta sacar buenas notas a menudo. Tambien, le gusta jugar al fútbol cada día. Le gusta comer mucha comida los fin de semana. Le encanta dormir tarde durante el vierno. A Ian Stowe le importar ver la tele.
A Ian Stowe le disgusta hablar en casa. Le disgusta chatear por FaceBook con amigos a menudo. Finalmente, le aburre jugar al basquetból.
Mis Gustos
The “Mis Gustos” project that was given to us developed my understanding of how to use several like and dislike sentences in Spanish. At first I perceived that most all types were the same, much like English in fact, but soon found that there were various forms that needed to be implemented. For example, the phrases of clarification used to identify what people like or dislike can be complicated. In the end the project ended up helping me understand the lesson that was given previously. The way we had to memorize and repeat the assignment assured that we had to know a bit about what we were doing, which helped more than a simple lesson could ever do.