Los Gustos y Disgustos de Ian Stowe

         A Ian Stowe le gusta sacar buenas notas a menudo. Tambien, le gusta jugar al fútbol cada día. Le gusta comer mucha comida los fin de semana. Le encanta dormir tarde durante el vierno.  A Ian Stowe le importar ver la tele.

         A Ian Stowe le disgusta hablar en casa. Le disgusta chatear por FaceBook con amigos a menudo. Finalmente, le aburre jugar al basquetból.


2 thoughts on “Los Gustos y Disgustos de Ian Stowe

  1. Hey Josh, I noticed your post was about me and, by the way I like the picture. However, I noticed a few minor mistakes that you made in your typing. For one, you put “mucho comida” when you needed to put “mucha comida”. Also, you need to put “el vierno” instead of just “vierno”. Besides that though I can’t find anything wrong with your post. Have a nice day.

  2. Thank you Ian, I will make sure in the future to check on those points and ensure that my grammar is proper in the future. I am glad to have posted something accurate that you agree with. Have a nice day as well.

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